grape variety: barbera
first vintage produced: 1996
vineyard: site at Castelnuovo Calcea - Mombercelli
surface area of the vineyard:15 ha
year planted: several vineyards have an average age of 20 years
soil: layers of ‘Astian sands’ on layers of Sant’Agata Fossili Marls. Clayey-calcareous marl of marine sedimentary origin, with good presence of silt and sand, rich in microelements, particularly magnesium
vineyard exposure: southeast to southwest
vineyard elevation: 230-280AMSL.
method of cultivation: Guyot and low spurred cordon
vines per hectare: approximately 5,000
yield: very low yield; thinning of excess bunches at end of summer, leaving an average of 7/8 bunches per vine
harvest: manual harvest
vinification: in steel tanks. 10/12 days of maceration with the skins, with a soft “shower” system of wetting the cap. Malolactic fermentation in steel refinement: minimum of 18 months.Aged for 12 months in large oak casks before refinement in the bottle
colour: bright ruby red
nose: surprising for its clarity and elegance with hints of violet, blackberries,
raspberries, and spicy sweet notes
taste: full, well-structured, harmonious; an impressive wine with its fresh softness and final savory and round flavor
accompanies: cured meats, pasta with meat sauce, risotto, fillet, guinea fowl, medium-aged goat cheeses
serving temperature: 16-18° C
bottle sizes: 0,750 l. - 1,5 l.
closure: cork
カルディのセールで購入。 NIZZAなんてマニアックなDOCGは売れないだろうに… ガーネットよりの濃いルビー色。 少しジャムっぽい、ラズベリーやブラックベリー。 バジル、ローリエといった辛めのハーブ。 甘めのダークチョコレートにバニラビーンズ。 かなり強めのアタック。 強い果実味と、やや丸みを帯びた豊富な酸。 中盤はややドライで焼けるようなアルコール感をともなう。 果実味豊かな余韻は長め。 デイリーのバルベーラと比べると、外観は紫色が少なく、ボディはふくよか。 バルベーラ特有のハーブっぽさ?は共通して感じられます。 度数が高いのせいか、スイスイ飲み進めるよりも、チビチビ楽しむワインといった感じです。 空き瓶:530g コルク:48mm(DIAM5) 大分に、ホーバー再び。 grape variety: barbera first vintage produced: 1996 vineyard: site at Castelnuovo Calcea - Mombercelli surface area of the vineyard:15 ha year planted: several vineyards have an average age of 20 years soil: layers of ‘Astian sands’ on layers of Sant’Agata Fossili Marls. Clayey-calcareous marl of marine sedimentary origin, with good presence of silt and sand, rich in microelements, particularly magnesium vineyard exposure: southeast to southwest vineyard elevation: 230-280AMSL. method of cultivation: Guyot and low spurred cordon vines per hectare: approximately 5,000 yield: very low yield; thinning of excess bunches at end of summer, leaving an average of 7/8 bunches per vine harvest: manual harvest vinification: in steel tanks. 10/12 days of maceration with the skins, with a soft “shower” system of wetting the cap. Malolactic fermentation in steel refinement: minimum of 18 months.Aged for 12 months in large oak casks before refinement in the bottle colour: bright ruby red nose: surprising for its clarity and elegance with hints of violet, blackberries, raspberries, and spicy sweet notes taste: full, well-structured, harmonious; an impressive wine with its fresh softness and final savory and round flavor accompanies: cured meats, pasta with meat sauce, risotto, fillet, guinea fowl, medium-aged goat cheeses serving temperature: 16-18° C bottle sizes: 0,750 l. - 1,5 l. closure: cork