味わい |
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香り |
ワイン名 | Sherwood Estate Family Collection Pinot Noir |
生産地 | New Zealand > South Island > Canterbury > Waipara Valley |
生産者 | |
品種 | Pinot Noir (ピノ・ノワール) |
スタイル | Red Wine |
価格:3,570円(ボトル / ショップ)
透き通ったルビー色。 粘性はやや強め。 ラズベリー、チェリー、カシス、バラ、クローヴ、レザー。 全体的にはワイルド&チャーミングな香り。 果実味と酸の強い、ジューシーなアタック。 微かな発泡。 タンニンと苦みは弱く、軽やかな余韻。 重心は高いのに、かなり陰性に寄っているところが面白いです。 NZのピノ・ノワールも、色々あるんですね〜 空き瓶:422g スクリューキャップ 壱岐から対馬に渡って、対州馬の乗馬体験。 30分とかなり長時間にわたって乗せてくれます。 以下、ワイナリーのホームページより。 TASTING NOTES Strong typical Pinot Noir characters are the distinguishing features of this wine, together with the balance of flavour. Made from just one small portion of Pinot grapes that are carefully spur pruned in winter, then meticulously looked after over the summer to eventually be handed from the vineyard team to the winemaking team to carry on the intense care and attention to detail that is needed to make the best Pinot Noir. WINEMAKERS NOTES The favourite wine of our winemakers to make as it really extends all of their skills from working with the small open-top fermentation tanks, which allow for constant hand plunging of the grape skins ( a small wooden plunger constantly pushes the skins below the surface of the juice) to selecting a variety of different French oak barrels that the wine will mature in for more than twelve months. The real skill is in the blending, as not all the barrels will make the grade for our top Pinot Noir. Days are spent tasting and re-tasting barrels and blends looking for the elusive blend that conveys the smooth velvet texture of Pinot Noir.